Chiropractic Treatment Fixed Chest Tightness, Tingling in Arms, & Light Headedness By Focusing On What The Parasympathetic Nervous System Was Telling Lindsay
Chiropractic Treatment Fixed Chest Tightness, Tingling in Arms, and Light Headedness by Focusing on What The Parasympathetic Nervous System Was Telling Lindsay
Lindsay came in to our Inver Grove Heights chiropractic office with very abnormal symptoms of chest tightness, lightheadedness, and tingling in her arms. This would happen at random times and when just sitting.
Evaluation in Inver Grove Heights
By asking very exacting questions and after a simple evaluation; we determined the potential sources of the problem. The parasympathetic nervous system was trying to tell Lindsay something.
Miraculously, with just one treatment, we were able to stop these symptoms from occurring.
Although Lindsay's situation was unique to her, if you are suffering from pain, tingling, burning or something just doesn't feel right in any part of your body; remember that all the body's organs, muscles and tissues are impacted by the alignment of the spine. We may be able to help.
Please schedule an appointment with us at (651) 756-7941.
with no out of pocket expense!